Saturday, February 23, 2008

Saturday's Pretty Picture

Spring comes to my garden.

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Walt said...

We usually have things sprouting up from the ground by now, but this winter hasn't been kind. January usually gives us a week of weather that's above normal temps, but not this year. We still have snow on the ground and no signs of spring life yet. Sad.

Uncle Robbie said...

Was it last year you still had frost in May? We've just ended a week of sunshine that started off chilly but was quite warm as of yesterday (if you stayed out of the shade). I usually cut back the roses in the first couple weeks of March, but this year they got a good head start.

Walt said...

Yes, but we have frost in May every year. Our planting season begins usually around the end of May.

Uncle Robbie said...

I couldn't stand that much cold weather. If I had to build a hothouse for all of my heat loving plants I'd have no room for a home.